New Jersey Law Prohibits Women

“a  private  citizen  shall  specify  in  detail  the
urgent  necessity  for  self protection,  as  evidenced  by  specific  threats  or  previous  attacks  which demonstrate  a  special  danger  to  the  applicant’s  life  that  cannot  be avoided  by  means  other  than  by  issuance  of  a  permit  to  carry  a  handgun. NJAC  §  13:54

Women in Great State of New Jersey cannot protect themselves from stalkers, rapists, violent ex, unless they have already been stalked, raped and/or became victims of violence. Even then, they have to beg for Concealed Carry Protection, by “articulating” specific threats that cannot be avoided by any other means.
In essence, NJ is forcing all victims to live their lives in shadow, not free as any other citizen would in rest of United States Of America.

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